Repairs Group
Council Officers from Technical Services meet with Council Tenants and the Independent Tenant Advisor to discuss policy, performance, proposed changes, capital investment and how to improve the service.
The group meets about 4 times a year. The agenda is jointly set by the officers and tenants with the former making the group aware of changes and performance and the latter bringing up issues that they have been made aware of in order to find out what has gone wrong and how they can be avoided in future.
Service improvements are often made on the back of these meetings; such as making the contact number 01786 instead of 0845 which mobile users have to pay for, re introducing the repairs text messaging service and appointment slots. Many of the suggestions made by this group have led to a better repairs service and an increase in value for money.
The group is currently working closely with Homelync to improve energy efficiency throughout council housing in Stirling. Many tenants have already volunteered to get Homelync devices installed in their homes (at no cost) and have experienced the benefit through being more energy efficient and also through saving money on the cost of their utilities. If you want to learn more about Homelync please contact Leza Lafferty on 01786 237661.
The group is always looking for NEW members; just be aware it is not a forum to try to get your individual problems sorted, but to help improve the repairs service generally. If you are interested please phone Leza Lafferty, Independent Tenant Participation officer on 01786 237661