Stirling Tenants Assembly Committee
The STA committee is made up of individuals from across the Stirling Council area.
Some people represent other tenants groups, some are a Tenants Voice for their area and others are simply interested in improving the housing service.
The committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting each year in June. We always welcome new people who would like to join. If you are interested in being part of the committee then please come along to one of our meetings.
Below you will find out a bit more about your committee members and their role in the STA.
Your Committee Members
William Derrick - Chairperson
Mags Hughes - Vice Chairperson
Moira Robertson - Treasurer
Anna Johnston - Secretary & Minute Secretary
Hugh McClung MBE
Philomena McClung
Alex Lamb
Michael Griffiths
Richard Waddell
Kathy Brown
Duncan Faichney
Delia Waddell
Thomas Allan Brown
Robert Cairney