Tenant Participation Strategy 2020-23
Stirling Council worked with tenants to produce a Tenant Participation Strategy. It outlines how the council will make sure tenants have the opportunity to have their say.
You can download a copy of the strategy here.
This strategy was reviewed in 2020 with the views of tenants taken into account when it was revised
The Main Points are that the Council will
- provide information in a variety of formats.
- communicate in a timely and easy to understand manner.
- empower tenants and offer opportunities to build and develop skills.
- enable tenants to be confident and possess the skills to participate in a range of activities and have access to resources and support.
- Base our organizational objectives and priorities on tenant needs.
- Involve tenants in an annual review of the Tenant Participation Strategy and ensure that tenant participation is having a positive impact on the service provided.
- Offer a variety of methods of involvement to our tenants, ensuring the widest range of tenants views are taken into account.
- Involved tenants in the decision making process, identifying gaps in the service, performance monitoring and ensuring that we provide value for money.
Would you like to help review the strategy each year? You can get in touch with our Independant Tenant Participation Officer on 07762 326 652 or email graemegw@hotmail.co.uk